Black Tuesday, November 6, 2012. (If you’ve already had enough party politics for this year you may care to skip this and the next two paragraphs!) On that day, thanks largely to 50% of all Roman Catholic voters, Barack Hussein Obama – the most anti-Christian, anti-life, and anti-marriage president in American history – was re-elected, and in four U.S. states voters endorsed same-sex “marriage”. Pope Benedict XVI, his U.S. Nuncio, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganó, and most U.S. bishops had repeatedly warned that the Democratic Party’s aggressively secularist policies contradict basic, ‘non-negotiable’ human and Christian values. But the 6,000,000 professed Catholics who voted for Obama either ignored those values or at least let them take a back seat to other more ethically debatable issues such as the economy, war, welfare, immigration, and health care. So one suspects the American Catholic community currently merits in God’s sight a similar excoriation of His own people to that which opens the Bible’s greatest prophetic book, and with which the Church has launched us into the new liturgical year. In the Divine Office for the 1st Sunday of Advent we heard the prophet cry out bitterly, “The ox knows its owner, the ass its master’s crib; but Israel does not know, my people does not understand. Ah, sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity!” (Isaiah 1: 3-4).
From Father Brian Harrison's Christmas 2012 Newsletter